Servant of God Kyrylo Seletskyj

Fr. Kyrylo
His Life
Father-Prelate Kyrylo Seletskyj was born on April 29, 1835, in Pidbuzhja, in the region of Sambirsk. In 1855, he finished high school in Sambirsk, and after theological studies in the University of Lviv and seminary in Przemysl, was ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Gregory Jakhymovych, on January 8, 1860.
From 1859-1862, he taught in the Drohobych high school. From 1962-1873, he performed his pastoral duties at the parishes of Stara Sil’, Mil’kiv, Bilych Horishnij, Voroblyk Korolivs’kyj, Ljubachiv and Javoriv.
“This person of angelic goodness, simple, humble, loves all good and spreads it wherever possible, paying no attention to difficulties. All those close to him, and above all, his parishioners, love him as their own soul; he is hardworking, modest, poor, ascetical, perseverant, and ready for anything that God’s will and God’s glory would demand of him.
… This is a righteous man of God’s spirit, who presents himself to us as a model of an upright, Christian life.” – Bl. Hieromartyr Josaphat Kotsylovskyj, 1943
In 1868, he prepared his first book for publication, the primer, “My Own House.” In 1869, his book, “Catechesis for Children of the Greek-Catholic Rite” was printed.
From 1874-1918, he was pastor of the villages of Zhuzhel’ and Tsebliv, in the Sokal’ region. It was during this time, on August 27, 1891, the first home of the newly founded Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate was opened in Zhuzhel’, which Fr. Kyrylo was instrumental in procuring. On May 19, 1893, he opened the first Ukrainian nursery school in Galicia, in which the Sisters Servants were missioned.
“…His righteous life, the deportment with which he gave of himself in all matters, whether to the nurseries of the Sisters, or to the poor, his spirit of prayer, his simplicity and humility, but above all his love of neighbour — all these virtues place this humble man in the ranks of the first labourers of the Gospel in our Church.” – Metropolitan Andrei Sheptytskyj
In 1898, he opened a nursery school in the village of Tsebliv, which was cared for by the Sisters of St. Joseph, the Congregation he founded.
In 1905, The Holy Father, Pope Pius X, named Fr. Kyrylo “honorary papal prelate”. In 1906, he took part in a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. His death occurred on April 28, 1918. He was buried in Zhuzhel’.
“He took pleasure in special sympathy and love of his parishioners, and of people in the area, for he was for all a resource in spiritual and physical needs. His generous heart, full of love, was reflected on his righteous face. Always smiling, always ready to serve everyone who approached him…
This was truly a man of God, gifted by God with special graces.” – Fr. Peter Chavs
His Process
The Synod of Bishops of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic church, having met in Philadelphia from September 27 to October 6, 2007, gave its blessing to start the Cause of Canonization of our co-founder, the Servant of God Father Kyrylo Seletskyj, long-time pastor of the village of Zhuzhel (now Zhuzheljany) and Tsebliv.
On July 11, 2009, in the city of Sokal, in the cathedral of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, the solemn opening of the beatification process of the Servant of God Kyrylo Seletskyj took place. This process is being pursued by the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph, Spouse of the Immaculate Virgin Mary. The solemnities began with a Pontifical Divine Liturgy by Archbishop Michael Koltun, Eparch of Sokal-Zhovkva, as main celebrant, and Archbishop of Lviv, Ihor Vozniak, concelebrant. At the Liturgy, 35 priests of the Sokal region, religious and a great number of the faithful were present. The Congregation of the Sisters Servants was represented by Sr. Janice Soluk, General Superior, Sr. Nadia Kotur, Provincial Superior of Ukraine, and other Sisters.
“… it is very important to remember our venerables and martyrs, who were true witnesses of the love of God and neighbour. When the Church proclaims someone blessed or a saint, at the same time, we have Her confirmatioin of a godly man, an intercessor before God for the faithful people, to whom we turn with our petitions and prayers. Thus, this affirmation of the Church is exceptionally significant, … and encourages us to stand in the number of the righteous…” ~ Most Rev. Archbishop of Lviv, Ihor Vozniak, during pontifical Divine Liturgy, opening the process
At the start of the fist session of the tribunal, the Chancellor of the Sokal-Zhovkva eparchy, Fr. Roman Synytskyj, explained to all present the meaning of this gathering, and also read the document of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints of December 3, 2008, and the decree calling the tribunal. After Bishop Micheal Koltun, Eparch of Sokal-Zhovkva, announced the formal opening of the beatification process of the Servant of God, Fr. Kyrylo Seletskyj, he also handed the decree to the chosen members of the tribunal. After the handing of the decrees, Bishop Michael Koltun, the Postulator of the given cause, Sr. Markiana Vasylyshyn, of the Congregation of the Holy Spouse, Joseph, and the chosen members of the tribunal made an oath.
[Fr. Kyrylo] “…gave all of us “the witness of a just life and his faithful service and self-giving, which today opens for us a wide road to righteousness which we have and must take…” ~ Most Rev. Archbishop of Sokal-Zhovkva Eparchy, Michael Koltun, at the close of the first tribunal session.
His Commemoration Day
The Servant of God Kyrylo will not have an officially assigned Feast Day until he is proclaimed Blessed. Until then, the SSMI Community world-wide prays for him privately on his Name Day, the day of his Patron Saint, St. Cyril of Jerusalem, on March 18.
PRAYER through the intercession of the Servant of God Kyrylo
Merciful God!
We thank You for all the goodness
with which you gifted your faithful servant
Father Kyrylo Seletskyj.
Out of love for You, Lord,
he was sincerely concerned about souls,
caring for their sanctification and salvation.
Inspired by Your Spirit,
he helped poor girls
to answer the call of Christ
and became a father to many religious.
We humbly pray You, Lord,
glorify Your servant here on earth,
so that, encouraged by the example
of his righteous life
and through his intercession in heaven,
we would walk towards the Light – Jesus Christ,
to Whom with His Eternal Father
and Life-Creating Spirit
belong honour, worship and glory for ever.
Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory be…
Acknowledgment of prayers answered through the intercession of the Servant of God, Fr. Kyrylo Seletskyj, are to be sent to:
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