Servant of God Anatolia Bodnar

Sr. Anatolia
Her Life
Sister Anatolia Tecla Bodnar was born on March 29, 1884, in Zhuzhel, Western Ukraine. She was given the name, Tecla, at baptism, and was raised in a solid Christian home.
Eight-year-old Tecla eye-witnessed the foundation of the Congregation of the Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate, in her home town of Zhuzhel. She later entered that Community, taking the name, Anatolia. The year she pronounced her final vows, in 1911, she was one of seven missionary Sisters to Brazil. There, she devoted herself entirely to the good of others, especially giving of herself in great love and dedication to the sick and abandoned.
As Directress of Novices for thirteen years, she contributed to the formation of a large number of Sisters Servants, giving continuity to the work of the Congregation, which, though born in Ukraine, was scattered throughout the diaspora.
In the position of Provincial Superior for twenty years, she faced countless difficulties as she consolidated the Congregation of the SSMI in Brazilian territory, increasing their chances for a secure future.
In a spirit of prayer and suffering, she sought strength in the crucified Jesus and in the presence of Jesus in the Sacrament of the Eucharist, taking refuge at all times in His Sacred Heart. The Immaculate Mother of God was her constant model, guide and protection.
Sr. Anatolia suffered greatly throughout her life, and markedly in the last five years, when she was stricken with an incurable gangrene, which kept her confined to bed for two years. She suffered excruciating pain, but never complained, trying to rivet her gaze continuously on the image of Jesus Crucified. She offered all her suffering for the Church, for the salvation of souls and for the Congregation. The Sisters took turns attending to her, day and night. Comforted by the Last Rites, and by the prayers of the priest and the Sisters, she gently gave her holy soul to God on February 16, 1956. She was buried in the cemetery of the Parish of St. Josaphat in Prudentopolis, in the province of Parana.
Her Process
Soon after Sr. Anatolia died, the Sisters and the people who knew and admired her began to pray that she intercede with God for their needs, and received many graces. Thus spread the renown of her holiness which continues today. In light of this, on June 18, 1993, in Prudentopolis, the Eparch for Ukrainian Catholics in Brazil, His Excellency Bishop Ephraim Krevey, OSBM, officially opened the process of canonization of the Servant of God, Anatolia, appointing a tribunal, who heard the accounts of various witnesses. The process still continues, and while documents continue to be prepared, the fame of her holiness grows, as many people still pray through her intercession.
Her Commemoration Day
The Servant of God Anatolia will not have an official Feast Day assigned to her until she is proclaimed Blessed. But even now, through popular but private devotion, every year, on the date of her passing, February 16, people gather at her grave to recite a rosary together. The SSMI Community of Brazil pray specially for her cause on the 16th of every month.
PRAYER through the intercession of the Servant of God Anatolia
O God, One in the Holy Trinity,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
we praise You for deigning to call
Your Servant, Anatolia Bodnar,
to the Congregation of
the Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate,
and enriching her with the gift
of a missionary spirit, to work for her people,
with mercy and dedication to the sick and abandoned.
Holy Trinity, we humbly beseech You,
raise Your Servant to the glory of Your Saints,
and grant us the grace which we ardently implore
through her intercession. Amen.
(with ecclesiastic approval)
Acknowledgment of prayers answered through the intercession of the Servant of God, Anatolia, are to be sent to:
Irmãs Servas de Maria Imaculada – Postulação
- Postal, 383
08811-970 Curitiba – Pr
Telefone: (41) 3322-1744 or 3223-7759