“Learn to live placing yourself in Gods hands”. St. Josaphat Kuntsevych.

The SSMI held their annual retreat in Mundare, Alberta. The Retreat Master, Most Rev. Paul Chomnycky, OSBM, offered the Sisters a golden opportunity, to rejuvenate their spiritual lives and nourish their souls. In today’s fast-paced world, it’s crucial to take a step back, reflect, and to reconnect with God and our faith.

During this retreat, the Sisters learned many things about Saint Josaphat Kuntsevych and his love for God and service to others. Bishop Paul, with his knowledge, profound wisdom, and spiritual insights, led the Sisters on a transformative journey based on the example of Saint Josaphat.

As the Sisters shared, “His teachings and guidance will help us to restore our spiritual lives, and bring us closer to God. The retreat is not only a time of personal growth, but also an experience of building a better life with love and forgiveness. May Saint Josaphat guide us on our journey and may it be a transformative experience for all of us. Let us open our hearts and minds to the divine blessings that await us. “

After the retreat, the Sisters took part in the annual Saints Peter & Paul Pilgrimage in Mundare, Alberta.