I ask for these prayer requests, with Glory to Jesus Christ and honor to Mary, on the day and date of the 163rd apparition of Our Lady of Lourdes to St Bernadette, asking for their special intercession and your prayers please: KB, for deep emotional healing and her family’s intention; for N and A to have a child; for a safe delivery of N’s child; for BZ for deep surrender to the Lord, in all areas of his life; for L and AZ to return to the church;
for T and M, and their family, for inner healing and faith; for Fr. Y in his ministry; for M and I, in their new jobs;
for blessings for my own work; for homeless families, for all their needs; for KS and her family; for the family of JA; for K; for Fr. F and others, who are helping me with my annulment; for Dr EJ‘s conversion; for the healing of my own foot and my impending surgery; and for all previous intentions requested earlier.