Let all creation celebrate the Resurrection of Christ!
In Him is the firm foundation of all things.
~ Paschal Matins
The dawn of Easter / Великдень announces Christ’s Victory. Usually, victory is accompanied with colourful and loud fanfare, with processions and music … but Christ’s Victory comes in a different manner, it comes unobtrusively, engendering freshness, gentleness, and profound peace. Encountering the resurrected Lord, our hearts burn within us.
Today’s world is loud. Christ’s victory contrasts with the din of the world and the Lord indeed wants us to participate in His victory, by faithfully doing what must be done.
In Him we can do the difficult things; like a woman, who working with suffering and anguished people, gathers the strength, ‘to again and again roll away the large stones that prevent people from coming out of their graves of anguish.’ Or another one, who finds great comfort knowing that Jesus’ wounds remain visible in his risen body. “Our wounds are not taken away but become visible sources of hope for others.”
Christ is alive! He is with us, and his life is the light that shines in the darkness. Let us not miss it in the clamour of the world but share the joy of his presence with one another.
In our symbolic gesture of sharing the blessed egg on Easter Morning may we recommit ourselves to share and spread life. Let us claim the power of his resurrection, his victory over death, and as the Lord desires, let us rejoice! Христос Воскрес!
Sister Christina Syrotynsky, SSMI
Provincial Superior