I pray for my daughter Moira Claire Kateri, whom I have not seen or heard from in many months; she is my dearly beloved daughter who struggles with alcoholism, illicit drug use and dependency, and severe post-abortive trauma from 2 abortions which are now more than five years past. I pray for her healing and that the Holy Spirit may guide her to Rachel’s Vineyard and to “Silent No More Awareness” that she may take advantage of the healing and mutual support she will find with these women and for all those women who have been pressured into and agreed to an abortion or to the physically and spiritually dangerous use of contraception and abortifacients and the terrible damage it causes them, their families and those who love them, and the families who care for them or to whom they belong. And I pray for the healing in all the families who have suffered and been separated by this and for all the fathers who are either suffering or are irresponsible in their duty as men to promote and protect life, that Christ may change all of our hearts so that we may follow him and be the men and women of a culture of life. Thanks be to God for hearing and answering this prayer. I pray for a deep conversion to Christ in all of our hearts.